Biotechnological processes

Our company has many years of experience in the classical and the application of innovative biotechnological processes to domestic and industrial pollution water treatment areas allow you to offer solutions to various problematic water for cleaning streams. Technologies based on both biochemical treatment processes and has a synergistic effect on physico-chemical sorption and biooxidation high efficiency, low operating costs. Such technologies can be applied in industrial plants where organic matter is formed contaminated water when e.g. oil, pharmaceutical industry.

Biotechnological processes - the company's specialists have accumulated knowledge and experience in biological water consulting, development, installation and adjustment of treatment plants. Depending on the individual case of each customer, i.e. the nature of water pollution, a technological solution for biological water treatment can be proposed. Tuomet a study is carried out, specific solutions are selected, as well as coordination with other water purification methods, such as mechanical filtration, and provided problem solving. Biological water treatment is usually applied in the presence of water pollution by easily decomposing organic matter, even in the presence of their higher concentration, such as in the food industry institutions, etc. wastewater treatment. The technology is low energy cost per unit of fragmentation, reliability and low maintenance.

Pulp and paper industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Food industry
Oil industry
Textile industry
Municipal water supply
Chemical industry
Electric supply
Metallurgic industry
Electronics industry
Fertilizer industry
Glass-making industry
Agriculture industry
Fish farms
Plastics industry
Rubber industry
Wood industry
Cosmetics industry
Meat processing industry
Furniture industry
Dyestuffs industry
Dairy industry
Flow rate, m3/h 0.1 – 200
Inlet water TOC < 100 mgC/L
TOC removal efficiency, % 56 – 99 %
Micropollutants, phthalates removal efficiency, % 88 – 99 %
Disinfection efficiency >5 Log reduction
Color removal, % <1 NTU
Metal removal, % 74 – 97 %